Code of Conduct for Students

1. Attend classes at scheduled time and attend classes till the end.

2. Maintain silence in the library and utilize its resources and space without causing damage.

3. Students should not indulge in any kind of ragging or activities leading to harassment of any kind towards fellow students.

4. Keep the college campus away from political activities

5.  Students should maintain discipline in the classroom

6. Students should show their achievements in academic practice.

7. Students should strive to make the college campus, plastic free environment.

8. Making the environment of the college environmentally friendly

9. Consumption of intoxicants / psychotropic substances in any form or smoking or using chewing gum, panmasala etc. are strictly prohibited.

10. Students should make use of parking and playground area

11. Maintain good rapport with fellow students and teachers.

12. Use only mobile and electronic equipments as needed.

13. All students should participate regularly in extracurricular activities.

14. Demonstrate the most polite behaviour inside and outside the college campus.


Code of Conduct  for  Teaching and Non-Teaching staff

1. Asserting the educational rights of students in an educational institution.

2. Increasing the dignity of the organization with secular principles.

3. Strive to bring local culture to the forefront along with constitutional principles.

4. Conducting local culture along with national culture programs.

5. Maintaining the professionalism of the staff.

6. Reflecting transparency in administrative and academic work.

7. Be a role model for the student community by following ethics.

8. To foster discipline, timeliness, attendance and education in students.

9. Helping to shape the personality of students through teaching.

10. Faculty involvement in educational activities as well as office work

11. Respecting every person humanely.

12. Effectively correcting student problems.

13. In students, non-discrimination in teaching.

14. Abandoning cell phone use during college and office hours

15. Co-ordinate administration in respect of office orders.

16. Strive to make the college and office free of plastic.

17. Utilize modern technology, information technology and library facilities.

18. To assist teachers and instructors parking their own vehicles in the designated area.

19. Teachers are committed to preventing sexual harassment in classrooms and offices.

20. Strive to bring out the talent embedded in students.

21. Strive to bring students back into the mainstream of study.

22. Improving basic facilities.

23. Bringing rural students into the mainstream

24. High emphasis on discipline and restraint in college